Kyle Hechler's GITA 1 Website

Thanks for checking out my website! It is kinda bad but I did my best! -Kyle 2022
This is my webpage for GITA 1. We
are studying C#. It difficult to learn but its what I
call hard fun. If you want to check out a project of mine, Click the picture and download the executable file.

About Page


In this project I made a fake company and gave you infromation about it. This is where we first used visual studio, and just started learning the basics.

Mailing label


In this project I learned how to input things from textboxes into labels. This program is supposed to represent a mailing service online.

Car Rental


In this project I learned how to do calculations of things like total miles and total cost, while still using the things from the previous projects.



In this project I learned how to calculate the users BMI by using math, and yould tell them what weight class they were in. We also learned how to to a average BMI for all of the users that use the program.

Car Rental Upgrade


In this project I upgraded "Car Rental" one of our previous projects, giving it new features that we learned along the way.

Triangle Checker


In this project I learned further complex calculations by being able to figure out if the sides make a triangle, what type of triangle it is, how many triangles have been checked. what angle the triange is, the image of the triangle, and a randomize triangles tool.

Craps Game


In this project, I made a vegas style dice game that keeps track of the users roll. We also use math that we have learned along the way.

Taco Shop


In this project, I used math to make a taco shop program. The user can choose different options, and we calculated the total sales, average sales, tne price of the taco, and the tacos ordered.

Slot Machine


In this project I made a slot machine game that by using randomization desides 3 pictures to be shown. The user can deposit and bet money aswell. Each time the user loses, the amount he bet goes into the prize pool.

Rock Paper Scissors Lizzard Spock


In this project I made a rock paper scissors game that requires two players to play. Once the first player has chosen, their awnser is hidden. Then when the second player chooses, their awnser is hidden. Once both players choose, a reveal button pops up. When clicked, it will show the two choices and say who won.

Incrimental Game


In this project I made a coin clicker type incrimental game where the user can buy upgrades, and can level up each upgrade for more coins. I also learned how to animate the button when clicked.

Fish Tank


In this project I made a program where a fish swims back and forth, and if it bumps its head a counter goes up. This is the very beginning of understanding how to make games.

Tic Tac Toe Game


In this project I made a program where we were doing a board game project. I chose tic tac toe, but made it 5x5, made it randomized, and had squares do stuff.

Basic AI


In this project I made a game where you can move a character around and an AI will chase you.

Basic AI Upgrade


In this project I Upgraded the basic ai game with a projectile and other things.

Fishing Simulator


In this project i made a game where you could catch fish that would move at random, and have a enemy that was made with a array.

Math menu


In this project i made a form that did multiple mathematical calculations, including prime, odd and even, etc.

Bees Simulator


This is an extra credit project that I did. I made it so that bees would be created using an array, and they would fly to and back from a flower. A sound would play, and there would be different types of bees.

Dungeons- Final Project.


This is my final project that I did. the game is based in an old town, where evil monsters take over the town and you have to stop them. I recapped every skill i have learned like arrays, for loops, lists, timers, ai, etc. Instructions are in the game.

Thats all my projects.